Table of Content
Instruction: How to use this workshop tutorial
- 1. Introduction (Introduction Slides)
- 2. Installation of the R software and packages for analyzing microbiome sequence data
- 3. Basic R operations
- 4. Use of the R DADA2 package to process the 16S rRNA gene sequence reads
- Step 1. Create a working directory and download a set of demo Illumina 16S rRNA sequences
- Step 2. Find the sequence data
- Step 3. Quality plots
- Step 4. Filter and trimm sequences
- Step 5. Learn sequence error rates to build error models for denoise purpose
- Step 6. De-replicate reads
- Step 7. Denoise sequences based on the error model to product amplicon sequence variants (ASVs)
- Step 8. Merge the pair-end reads to single reads
- Step 9. Identify chimera and remove them
- Step 10. Make a summary table for the above processes
- Step 11. Assign ASVs with taxonomy
- 5. Use of the R Phyloseq package to study microbial diversity
- Step 1. Load some necessary libraries
- Step 2. Convert the ASV from DADA2 into a Phyloseq object
- Step 3. Make some alpha-diversity plots
- Step 4. Make some beta-diversity plots
- Step 5. Plot genus and species level bar charts
- Step 6. Identify differentially represented species
- Step 7. Export tables for more downstream analysis using MicrobiomeAnalyst
- 6. Use of the MicrobiomeAnalyst online tools for statistical, visual and meta-analysis of microbiome data
- 7. Beyond microbiome sequence data – Meta-genomic and Meta-transcriptomic data